Sunday, September 15, 2013

Twizzler Wars: The Ending

Chaos erupted in the house. A writhing mass of bodies and twizzlers milled around, the silence shattered only by cries of pain.
I managed to drag myself to the laundry room. When the cries of pain broke away into silence, I decided it was safe to come out. Everyone stared at each other, twizzlers held firm in their palms. "Guys, lets just tal this out..." Levi stammered. All eyes turned towards him. "Lets just finish watching the movie." Everyone nodded and sat down, still hold the twizzlers.

Twizzler Wars: The Rebelion

On the 24th of August, we had a Twizzler Wars while watching How to Train Your Dragon for my birthday. Levi, Penn, Dylan, Tanner, Chase,  Me, and Natalie. Everyone was talking and being rambunctious, and Dylan got sick of it. "Okay, guys," He declared. "Olivia (me) will be the twizzler police. If anyone is up or talking, she will whip you with twizzler." Everyone looked at me in shock. I had a vicious grin on my face. I would whip everyone of the boys. "But what if-" ZOOM. I darted over to Chase and whipped him in the knee. 10 times.

"AUUUUGHHHHRRR NNNN!!" He bellowed, holding his knee and falling on the floor. Everyone laughed at him, including me. But we hadn't yet experienced the pain of twizzlers. But we would soon.
After whipping several people, an alarming cry went up around my house.
And so it began.
All at once, Tanner, Dylan, and Penn lunged forward, whipping me multiple times with over 25 twizzlers. There was no words to describe how much pain I was in. I yelped, dragging myself away, the red lashings beginning to surface at my skin. 

(NOTE: This is only part ONE. I have to go to the doctors right now. When I get back I will make part two. Thanks!)